Bbroy - Modern resistor color code converter tool

Bbroy is a Metro UI inspired resistor color code converter and series-parallel resistance combination finder tool. It's built by a relatively new team called Nutreek. Their website also looks like more Metro UI inspired. home page

Bbroy home screen welcomes us with 6 different tools:

Bbroy home screen

  • 4 band resistance to color code converter/encoder
  • 5 band resistance to color code converter/encoder
  • 6 band resistance to color code converter/encoder
  • 4 band color code to resistance converter/decoder
  • 5 band color code to resistance converter/decoder
  • 6 band color code to resistance converter/decoder
  • 1% - E96 series-parallel best combination finder
  • 5% - E24 series-parallel best combination finder
  • 10% - E12 series-parallel best combination finder

Bbroy is smooth to operate, fast and user friendly. A must have tool for electronic hobbyists, not for color code conversion but for the amazing resistance combination finder. (Electronic hobbyists could have memorized the color codes already.)

You can download Bbroy for free from Google Play Store.

Seven+ WP7 Calculator - A must have for Metro UI lovers

Seven+ WP7 Calculator is Metro UI inspired calculator app developed by Thomas Barrasso. It has a great feel and supports offers many customization options right from keeping the screen onto even customizing the status bar and themes.

Thanks for the ability change colors and themes, this look and feel can be customized according to user's taste. It can also serve as a scientific calculator which makes it handy.

We are happy to see that the developer has payed a great attention to even the fine details and aspects of Metro UI and brought it exactly to this calculator. There are many apps on the Play Store which has to learn a lesson or two from this developer. Hats off to you Mr.Barasso, you did a great work and is much appreciated.

Download Seven+ WP7 Calculator for free from Google Play Store.

Poweramp Metro UI Skin

Poweramp is a music player of choice for many. This skin pack just makes the experience incredible by incorporating a lovely Metro UI.

Since it is using black background, the skin is suitable for day and night. Many people usually complains about bright skins since its hard to look at night when there is no room light. Since its a musical player skin and is expected to be used during nights too, developers cleverly used appropriate colors which makes it absolutely brilliant.

You can purchase this skin from Google Play Store, provided that you have PowerAMP already.

Messaging Metro Beta - The best Metro App for SMS in Android

Messaging Metro Beta is currently the best app available in Google Play that follows the Metro UI guide lines. It's fast, responsive and stylish without any doubt. The ability to customize the colors and notification/alert adds more cool factor.

Conversations are more content oriented and less cluttered

Simplicity is the new buzzword, and there is no doubt why

It's always great when simplicity does not mean compromise on features
More over, the app is completely free. The developer Ferran Garriga, is very active with the development of this beautiful app. So, if you have any suggestions/ feature requests, you can contact him.

Link: Messaging Metro Beta

Launcher 7 - The best Android Metro UI launcher

Launcher 7 is a wonderful Metro UI inspired launcher for Android devices. It also offers ability to customize the tile colors, sizes, positions, animations and effects etc. You can customize it to make it more personal and  that is the whole point of cellphones, right?

You can even set the tiles as transparent.

You can set your favorite color for the tiles 
Launcher 7 is is developed by Timo Kujala and can be downloaded for free from the Google Play for free! There is also paid version available, if you want to donate to the developer.

Free version
Donate version

Introducing Android Metro

Android is awesome, so is Microsoft's new Metro UI. Combine them and what you have is a simple, effective and eye catching solution for all your smartphone/tablet needs. May be more than just that. World is full of wonders and beauty. Let this phenomenon be the next wonder.!!!